Netflix Takes a Crack at Diamond Ice Road

Netflix will debut a new action movie this month that centers on the diamond mines of Canada’s Northwest Territories.

The Ice Road, which stars Liam Neeson and Laurence Fishburne, will hit screens on June 25. The movie follows a daring rescue over the thawing winter passageway to save trapped workers after a diamond mine in the remote arctic region collapses.

While the story’s premise is fictional, the ice road is real. The Tibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road — a joint venture between Rio Tinto, Arctic Canadian Diamond Company and De Beers — is an essential route enabling miners to transport supplies to their respective Diavik, Ekati and Gahcho Kué sites.

The 600-kilometer operation employs five contractors specializing in engineering, construction, security, safety and dispatch, as well as 400 workers. The entire process, which takes place in a 30-day construction window, costs the joint venture approximately CAD 20 million ($16.5 million) annually.

Each year, the ice road remains open for less than two months before the weather becomes too warm, and the road begins to thaw. This year, it was open from February 8 until March 31, and was used to transport 5,700 loads of supplies.


BRON: Rapaport 15-6-2021

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