Farmer in Madhya Pradesh (India) Finds 11.88-carat Diamond

Pratap Singh Yadav, a farmer from the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, found a 11.88-carat diamond valued at $65,000, IDEX Online reports.

Yadav found the stone while digging a small patch of land in the diamond-rich Panna district. “I am a poor man with a small agricultural land. I also work as a laborer,” he told reporters and explained: “I have been working hard in this mine for the past three months and got this diamond and deposited it in the Diamond Office.” He then said he would use the proceeds – out of which the state takes 11.5% – “to set up a business and pay for his children’s education.”

Another recent lucky find, albeit thousands of miles from the small-time farmer in India, occurred at Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas. Adam Hardin, a regular visitor to the park, found a 2.38-carat brown gem. “It was right in the middle when I flipped my screen over,” Hardin said. “When I saw it, I said, ‘Wow, that’s a big diamond!’”

According to the park, the gem “is about the size of a pinto bean, with a coffee brown color and a rounded shape.”